Unser Statement im dritten UNGA-Ausschuss zum Thema Menschenrechte
Am 12.10.2021 haben wir im interaktiven Dialog des dritten UNGA-Ausschusses zum Thema „Förderung und Schutz von Menschenrechten“ gesprochen. Auf die einleitenden Erklärungen von Beamtinnen und Beamten des UN-Sekretariats sowie Mandatsträgerinnen und Mandatsträger der UN-Sonderverfahren folgte eine Fragestunde, an der wir teilgenommen haben.
Neben dem Hinweis, dass die Jugend weltweit eine diverse Gruppe mit ebenso vielfältigen Interessen ist, haben wir uns auf die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen konzentriert. Am Beispiel des Klimawandels zeigen wir beispielhaft, welche Fragen sich die Politik gegenwärtig stellen muss.
“Honorable chair, distinguished delegate, dear all,
We speak as UN Youth Delegates of Germany. To represent young people and their interests in the best possible way, we traveled across our country to consult youth from a variety of different backgrounds.
While the general public often tends to assume that young people are exclusively interested in problems such as climate change or education, we have met a diverse group of young people that has expressed equally diverse interests, desires and fears.
However, all the young people we spoke with expressed their concerns on how today’s decisions will affect them in the long-run.
Politicians tend to think and act in terms of years, not in decades. They seek to address the current needs and latest moods – and forget the long-term consequences of their actions. But policy decisions made today reach far into the future.
One good example is how our economic system externalizes the costs of environmental degradation on future generations. The young generation is most affected by climate change but their voice is under-represented in today’s decision-making process. And unborn generations have no voice at all.
We therefore urge you to consider the impact on the next generations in every single decision you make. Nobody should live at the expense of those who come after. Current actions must ensure sustainability and foster intergenerational justice.
Intergenerational justice must be anchored in the entire policy process in order to reduce our fixation on the present. We therefore urge you to create a generational check before every decision you make. You should ask yourself:
How will this impact future generations? What will young people have to deal with in the future if we put this through? How will it impact their freedom and their lives? How are you making sure that human rights of future generations are protected and safeguarded?“
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